Monday, May 5, 2008

A Work of Artifice

In the poem “A Work Of Artifice” it is about women’s rights. The poem talks about how women would be able to make it just as far as men if there were given the chance. If women were not pushed down and “planted” the same way as men. The poem talks about how there are more meant to be more and cozy kind of looked down upon.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


What accounts for the effectiveness of the last stanza? Comment on the title. Is it in the key with the meaning of the poem?

What made the last stanza effective was that there was nothing else that the boy remembered. The boy only remember that one incident (Witch is that title of the poem). It shows that you only remember that bad things that happen to you even if they are as small as a word.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To His Coy Mistress

3. Outline the speaker's argument in three sentences that begin with the words If, But, and Therefore. Is the argument valid?

If he had all of the time in the world he would devote it to the mistress, but he does not have all o f the time is the world. Therefore the mistress is hard to get.

Monday, April 21, 2008


4. What does the final stanza say about the nature of the poem? Is physical power finally destructive or affirmative?

The last stanza is saying don’t fight you will all end up dead. The nature of the poem is good nature.. It is trying to tell you advice. The physical power in the end is affirmative. It is saying not to be destructive.

1. Of the six images, 5 are similes. Which is a metaphor? Comment on its position and its effectiveness.

The metaphor is “What happens to a dream deferred”. Its position in the poem is the very first line. It is a good position because it is a metaphor then off of it is 5 similes. It is a great affect with the poem.


1. Describe the situation precisely. What time of day and year is it? Where is the speaker? What is happening to the weather?

The situation is a man on a beach or looking out on his beach house. He is looking out at a storm. He here’s all of the thunder and the waves crashing in from shore. It is in the summer at night. The speaker is on a beach. The weather is getting bad, but only for a short period of time then it will clear up by the morning

The Hound

1. I read the poem
2. Equivocal-1. Allowing the possibility of several different meanings, as a word or phrase, esp. with intent to deceive or misguide; susceptible of double interpretation; deliberately ambiguous: an equivocal answer.
3. The speaker is a man that is looking at a dog and trying to be friends with it. The man does not know very many people so he is trying to find a friend.
4. The situation is a man that is trying to make a friend. He wants to care for the dog. He is not too sure if the dog wants the same thing as he does.
5. The tone of the poem is happy yet sad. It is a man that is trying to make a friend. The poem is more sad then anything because the dog does not like him.
6. The speaker is a man that is looking at a dog and trying to be friends with it. The man does not know very many people so he is trying to find a friend.
7. The tone of the poem is happy yet sad. It is a man that is trying to make a friend. The poem is more sad then anything because the dog does not like him.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Women Work

It seems like the speaker is overwhelmed with work to do. It also seems like she might not have a husband because she has so much to do. It seems like she has to support the whole family with out the help of a husband. If she does have a husband she is over worked because she is doing everything around the house