Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Study of Reading Habits

1. The three stanzas delineates three stages in the speakers life. Describe each.

In the first stanza he likes books. He gets exited to read stories about hero's and it makes him feel good about him self. In the second stanza he still reads, but he changed from reading about hero's to vampires. He starts to look badly upon himself talking about his glasses. In the third stanza he hates books and he looks at him self badly as a nerd. He says that he would rather get drunk then read books.

2. What kind of person is the speaker? What kinds of books does he read? May we identify him with poet?

At the beginning the speaker is a nerdy person. One that does not have very many friends and sits at home reading. At the end he realizes that he does not like the person that he has become and stops reading. The speaker at the beginning reads books about hero's and adventure. At the end he reads more about killing then he stops. I do not think he is considered a poet.

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